Today we are comparing two top web accessibility solutions. Both Userway and AccessiBe are great accessibility solutions to consider. However, for obvious reasons, one would be better than the other. Let’s compare both options under a host of factors to know which one is better than the other one: UserWay vs AccessiBe.
Comparing Automation UserWay vs AccessiBe
AccessiBe‘s is a fully automated technology that leverages advanced AI to achieve web accessibility. As soon as the installation is done, the accessibility interface appears on the website. When this happens, the next thing is that AccessiBe starts scanning and analyzing the website. After 48 hours, viola, the website is fully transformed and certified for compliance. To ensure that your site is continually compliant, the AI scans the whole website every 24 hours and fixes any available revision.
Userway, on the other, offers both automation and manual solution. Userway’s automated accessibility solution functions almost the way as AccessiBe. It begins with the installation of a line of code after the website is automatically scanned and remediated. Speaking of the manual side, Userway offers a manual accessibility audit for businesses who want to take a step further in their attempt to detect inherent compliance violations present on the web. Unlike other solutions out there, such as AccessiBe, which analyzes the web and remediates within 48 hours, Userway‘s accessibility feature only supports detecting compliance violations. The onus lies on the client to effect these suggestions. It also may not boast a self-induced 24-hourly update.
Integration and Onboarding
It takes a ridiculously short amount of time to integrate. AccessiBe compares its website accessibility technology with Facebook Pixel installation or Google Analytics. The integration is a simple five-step process. You get started by installing just a single line of Javascript code. As soon as this is done, the accessibility interface appears on the website.
UserWay vs AccessiBe: Comparing Features, Services and Solutions
1) Accessibility Audit
Userway takes a two-way approach toward accessibility audit: the automated, AI-powered approach and the manual accessibility audit option.
For its automated solution, Userway‘s AI-driven technology combines both scanning and monitoring functions. Userway‘s Accessibility Scanner is designed to scan thousands of pages under an hour after which it remediates issues automatically.
Perhaps to ensure that the audit is thorough, Userway‘s team of accessibility experts will evaluate your website manually to determine the level of compliance and to identify existing issues. A report is issued at the end of the audit showing actionable checklists for each violation while providing generated remediation insights to guide your path. Userway‘s manual accessibility audit report takes 12 days while some take as long as 14 business days before it gets to the client. It appears that the larger the number of web pages, the longer it takes to complete the accessibility audit.
AccessiBe, on the other hand, takes a fully automated approach to web accessibility evaluation. AccessiBe relies confidently on aCe, an exclusive technology which adopts AccessiBe‘s AI engine and API to scan your website. Similar to Userway‘s automated accessibility audit, the process is quite simple: you input the link to the page you want to scan and, in a very short waiting period, you can have your full report on your site’s performance on the WCAG 2.1 test.
2) Accessibility widget
Both Userway and AccessiBe feature an accessibility widget which allows end-users to take charge of their web experience by adjusting the website to suit their needs. Interestingly, both accessibility interfaces allow for customization to match your website’s look.
AccessiBe‘s accessibility scanning is free-for-all. You do not have to pay a dime to determine the compliance level of your website. To enjoy ongoing compliance, however, you need to purchase AccessiBe‘s compliance monitoring solution which starts at $49/ month for websites fewer than 1,000 pages. Even if you pages are as many as a million, all you pay is $349/month. Today you get Up to 20% Discount with AccessiBe.
Userway‘s pricing also begins at $49 per month, although that is for as few as 10 website pages. Although AccessiBe charges you just $49 for 1000 pages, with UserWay, that same number of pages can cost you as much as $999/month.
Remember that Userway‘s accessibility scanner performs both the function of accessibility evaluation and real-time monitoring of violations. That said, the automated scanner does not perform remediation functions except to regularly flag violations then provide clear guidance to you and your team. As for AccessiBe‘s, its automated solution begins at $49 monthly for periodic automatic scan and remediation.
This service also costs ridiculously. One can go on to spend as much as $20,000 for a website audit of 100 pages. That is alarming when compared to other known platforms. That said, there are good reasons to believe that the brand is working assiduously to correct these technical lapses.
While registering, Userway‘s allows you to customize icon to signal the accessibility widget on your website. Then you choose the accessibility button then you choose a color for it to suit your website interface. The software supports many international languages including English, Arabic, French, Greek, Persian, Spanish, Swedish, just to mention a few.
AccessiBe‘s AI technology offers ongoing compliance by constantly rescanning and re-fixing your website every 24 hours for new update violations.
It is clear that both web accessibility solutions, UserWay vs AccessiBe, offer many enhanced and promising tools to comply with international regulations.