Why Should You Use Twitter ALT Badge? Some Updates Are Here
The conversation about Twitter ALT texts started in March when a test was rolled out to select Twitter users, and the test was designed to encourage more people to use alt text. If you had access to the feature, you could maneuver to your settings, tap “Accessibility,” and then scroll to the “Images” header where you could turn on a reminder that would prompt you to add alt text before sending a tweet with an image.
Xbox Accessibility: What Can Be Achieved Through a Partnership with the Disability Community
Recently, Xbox accessibility director Anita Mortaloni gave an interview in which she discusses some of the latest steps undertaken to guarantee effortless, equal access. What’s most interesting about it is the fact that a partnership with the disabled community is central to the execution of new features.
What’s WCAG 3.0 and Why It’s Considered the Future of Accessibility
Fast forward to the end of 2021, WCAG 3.0 was announced. A working draft got released on December 7, 2021. And while the third update of the guidelines isn’t supposed to be finalized before 2023, it’s a good idea to check out what’s going to happen as far as better accessibility is concerned.
Innovative, Powerful Apple Accessibility Features Enter the Big Picture Later in 2022
Apple is probably the company that has taken the most measures to make its products accessible. In 2022, Apple is set to release a whole new set of accessibility features.
President Biden Extends ADA Legislation for Supporting Covid “Long-Haulers”
US President Joe Biden extends ADA to support people who suffer from long Covid. Now Covid disease is included as a disability under the ADA law.
CSS/HTML Accessibility: Coding with Accessibility in Mind
How to code with accessibility in mind? This article will give tips on how HTML accessibility can provide users with more and better ways to navigate your website.
Equally AI: Interview with Equally.AI Co-Founders
Founder Ran Ronen, Yevgen Alaiev, and Dani Zeevi talk about their company Equally AI and its unique association with people with disabilities in this exclusive Q&A.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD): Is it covered by ADA?
People with muscular dystrophy experience physical limitations when it comes to the web experience. Actions can be challenging if the users are not equipped, or the website doesn’t offer information on assistive technology. Click to learn more on how to make your website Accessible.